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Learn How to Paint Landscapes


Painting is one of the most developed arts throughouthistory, both professionally and as a hobby. Learning to paint is a techniquethat reveals tranquility and relaxation, especially with landscapes. We often find ourselves surrounded by a unique setting among nature, with beautiful landscapes. Painting is a pleasant practice that everyone should do sometime. It is never too late to learn to paint. 

Here American artist Al Serino will give you some easy tipsto learn to paint landscapes, excellent for beginners. Landscape painting canbe as simple or as complex as you like. It is a great subject for anyone just starting out with painting. 

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Start learning how to paint landscapes 

Creating a credible landscape painting with depth is reallynot a magic trick, it is a technique. For more than a century, many artistshave used some of the same techniques to paint landscapes. Learning to paint landscapes with these simple tips will really be very easy. To begin to recreate your landscapes in painting, Al Serino recommends choosing abackground that is familiar to you. That is, an image of a landscape that you see often, where you know the details. It would be perfect if this landscape could be composed of simple geometric figures. 

Likewise, whenever you are going to paint a landscape, youmust create previous sketches. This will help you improve your technique a bitfirst on paper, and once you are satisfied with the result, you can transfer itto the fabric. When painting a landscape, it is convenient to create believableshadows and lights. Thus, the viewer will be able to know what is in the light and what is in the shadow, what is darker and what is lighter. Wit that said, Brooklyn landscape painter Al Serino indicates the distribution of values in landscapes in an order from lightest to darkest for you to take into account. For example, the sky. The clearest form of a painting, during the day, must be represented by the sky. 

The second clearest is any flat, horizontal surface becauseit reflects the sky almost completely. A little darker are sloped and diagonalsurfaces, such as slopes and roofs. Lastly, the darkest shapes are usually thevertical elements. Like tree trunks, because the reflection of light from thesky is limited. 

Take care of the small details 

The visual impression is one of the points where you shouldbe more careful when learning to paint. The figures in the background do nothave to show strong hues or very striking colors. As much as you want tohighlight elements such as mountains, you will have to blur or tone them down.Therefore, depending on the materials you are using, you will have to go to the blur for pastel paint, waxes or charcoal, among others.